Function to display a short summary of the drawdown data

# S3 method for pumping_test
summary(object, ...)



A pumping_test object


additional parameters for the data.frame summary function


This function displays on the console a summary of the drawdown data

See also

Other base functions: additional.parameters<-, confint.pumping_test, confint_bootstrap, confint_jackniffe, confint_wald, estimated<-, evaluate, fit.optimization, fit.parameters<-, fit.sampling, fit, hydraulic.parameter.names<-, hydraulic.parameters<-, model.parameters, model<-, plot.pumping_test, plot_model_diagnostic, plot_sample_influence, plot_uncert, print.pumping_test, pumping_test, simulate


# Define a pumping test tt <- logseq(0, 5, 30) Tr <- 1e-3 Ss <- 0.0001 r <- 1e3 Q <- 1e-3 s <- Q/(4*pi*Tr)*theis_well_function(tt) ptest <- pumping_test("Test", Q = Q, r = r, t = tt, s = s) summary(ptest)
#> Pumping Test: Test #> Test Type: constant.rate
#> time drawdown #> Min. : 1.00 Min. :0.01752 #> 1st Qu.: 18.06 1st Qu.:0.18756 #> Median : 322.48 Median :0.41239 #> Mean : 10172.95 Mean :0.41921 #> 3rd Qu.: 5701.46 3rd Qu.:0.64119 #> Max. :100000.00 Max. :0.87022