Function to create a pumping_test object

pumping_test(id = character(0), Q = 0.0, r = 0.0, t = NULL, s = NULL)



a character string defining the Pumping test ID


rate measured at pumping well (m3/s)


distance to observation well (m)


Numeric vector with the times at which measurements were taken (s)


Numeric vector with the measured drawdown (m)


A pumping_test object

See also

Other base functions: additional.parameters<-, confint.pumping_test, confint_bootstrap, confint_jackniffe, confint_wald, estimated<-, evaluate, fit.optimization, fit.parameters<-, fit.sampling, fit, hydraulic.parameter.names<-, hydraulic.parameters<-, model.parameters, model<-, plot.pumping_test, plot_model_diagnostic, plot_sample_influence, plot_uncert, print.pumping_test, simulate, summary.pumping_test


# Define a pumping test tt <- logseq(0, 5, 30) Tr <- 1e-3 Ss <- 0.0001 r <- 1e3 Q <- 1e-3 s <- Q/(4*pi*Tr)*theis_well_function(tt) ptest <- pumping_test("Test", Q = Q, r = r, t = tt, s = s) ptest
#> Pumping Test: Test #> Test Type: constant.rate #> Q = 0.001 #> r= 1000 #> time drawdown #> 1 1.000000e+00 0.01751611 #> 2 1.487352e+00 0.03138794 #> 3 2.212216e+00 0.04953108 #> 4 3.290345e+00 0.07128774 #> 5 4.893901e+00 0.09587620 #> 6 7.278954e+00 0.12257190 #> 7 1.082637e+01 0.15078301 #> 8 1.610262e+01 0.18005993 #> 9 2.395027e+01 0.21007566 #> 10 3.562248e+01 0.24059862 #> 11 5.298317e+01 0.27146757 #> 12 7.880463e+01 0.30257146 #> 13 1.172102e+02 0.33383439 #> 14 1.743329e+02 0.36520475 #> 15 2.592944e+02 0.39664757 #> 16 3.856620e+02 0.42813921 #> 17 5.736153e+02 0.45966371 #> 18 8.531679e+02 0.49121033 #> 19 1.268961e+03 0.52277183 #> 20 1.887392e+03 0.55434334 #> 21 2.807216e+03 0.58592157 #> 22 4.175319e+03 0.61750434 #> 23 6.210169e+03 0.64909014 #> 24 9.236709e+03 0.68067800 #> 25 1.373824e+04 0.71226723 #> 26 2.043360e+04 0.74385738 #> 27 3.039195e+04 0.77544815 #> 28 4.520354e+04 0.80703935 #> 29 6.723358e+04 0.83863082 #> 30 1.000000e+05 0.87022249
#> Joining, by = c("t", "s", "variable")