Function to calculate the confidence intervals of the hydraulic parameters using bootstrapping.

confint_bootstrap(ptest, level = c(0.025, 0.975), slug = F, d = 20,
  neval = 100, seed = 12345)



A pumping_test object


A numeric vector with the significance levels of the confidence intervals.


A logical flag indicating if a slug test is used in the analysis.


An integer value specifying the number of points used in the calculation of the derivative.


An integer value specifying the number of realizations of the resampling procedure.


random seed


This function returns a list with the following entries:

  • fit.parameters: A matrix with the values of the parameters of the nonlinear regression model

  • method: A character string specifying the method used in the CI estimation (bootstrap)

  • total.drawdown: A matrix with the values of the drawdown

  • total_dsdlogt: A matrix with the values of the derivative of drawdown

  • sci: A matrix with the confidence intervals of drawdown

  • dsci: A matrix with the confidence intervals of the derivative of drawdown

  • hydraulic.parameters: A matrix with the hydraulic parameter estimated from the boostrapp realizations

  • parameter.names: A vector with the name of the fitting parameters

  • hydraulic.parameters.names: A character vector with the names of the hydraulic parameters

  • Confidence intervals of the hydraulic parameters

See also

Other base functions: additional.parameters<-, confint.pumping_test, confint_jackniffe, confint_wald, estimated<-, evaluate, fit.optimization, fit.parameters<-, fit.sampling, fit, hydraulic.parameter.names<-, hydraulic.parameters<-, model.parameters, model<-, plot.pumping_test, plot_model_diagnostic, plot_sample_influence, plot_uncert, print.pumping_test, pumping_test, simulate, summary.pumping_test