Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
assign_input_to_clusters | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to assign input to clusters |
calculate_cluster_measures | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate some clustering statistics of a two-level self_organized_map |
calculate_coordinates | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the coordinates of the units inside a kohonen layer |
calculate_coordinates | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the coordinates of the units inside a kohonen layer |
calculate_distance_between_prototypes | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the distance between the prototypes |
calculate_distance_between_prototypes | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate distance between prototypes |
calculate_distance_matrix | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the distance between the units inside a kohonen layer |
calculate_distance_matrix | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the distance between the units inside a kohonen layer |
calculate_euclidean_distance | euclidean_distance_utilities | Function | Function to calculate euclidean distance between vectors |
calculate_sigma | self_organizing_map_utilities | Function | Function to calculate the scaling factor sigma |
calculate_sum2_clusters_grid | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate some clustering statistics of a two-level self_organized_map |
calculate_u_matrix | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the u_matrix |
calculate_u_matrix | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the u_matrix |
calculate_u_matrix_hexagonal | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the u_matrix for an hexagonal grid |
calculate_u_matrix_rectangular | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the u_matix for a rectangular grid |
coefficient_of_variation | general_utilities | Function | Function to calculate the coefficient of variation of a real array |
correlation_coefficient | general_utilities | Function | Function to calculate the correlation coefficient between two real vectors |
create_2lsom | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Constructor of a two_level self_organized_map class |
create_random_sample | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to generate random values that serve as inputs to the SOM |
create_random_sample | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to generate random values that serve as inputs to the SOM |
create_som | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Constructor for self_organizing_map |
destroy_2lsom | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Destructor of a two_level self_organized_map |
destroy_som | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Destructor for self_organizing_map |
evaluate_2lsom | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate some clustering statistics of a two-level self_organized_map |
external_predict_map | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to connect this module to R |
external_train_map | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to connect the self_organizing_map module to R o C Import section |
external_train_map | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to connect the two_level_self_organizing_map module to R o C Use iso_c_binding module |
find_best_match_unit | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the best match unit |
find_best_match_unit | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the best match unit |
find_bmu_grid | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the best match unit over the grid |
get_cluster_samples | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Accessor to cluster results obtained using a two-level self_organized_map |
get_count_som | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Function to get count matrix for self_organizing_map |
get_prototypes | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to get SOM prototypes |
get_u_matrix_som | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to get the u_matrix from a SOM |
index2position | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the position ix,iy,iz inside a rectangular grid from index |
index2position | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the position ix,iy,iz inside a rectangular grid from index |
initialize_variables | two_level_som_estimate_variables | Subroutine | |
initialize_variables | som_predict_variables | Subroutine | |
kohonen_pattern_accessor | kohonen_pattern_utilities | Subroutine | Kohonen pattern accessor |
kohonen_pattern_create | kohonen_pattern_utilities | Subroutine | Kohonen pattern constructor |
kohonen_pattern_destroy | kohonen_pattern_utilities | Subroutine | Kohonen pattern destructor |
kohonen_pattern_mutator | kohonen_pattern_utilities | Subroutine | kohonen_pattern_mutator |
kohonen_pattern_ncol | kohonen_pattern_utilities | Function | Function to calculate the number of columns (variables) in a pattern |
kohonen_pattern_nrow | kohonen_pattern_utilities | Function | Function to calculate the number of rows (samples) in a pattern |
kohonen_pattern_print | kohonen_pattern_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to print a Kohonen pattern |
maximum | general_utilities | Interface | |
mean | general_utilities | Function | Function to calculate the mean of a real array |
minimum | general_utilities | Function | Function to calculate the minimum of an array |
position2index | self_organizing_map_utilities | Function | Function to calculate the index inside a rectangular grid from position ix,iy,iz |
position2index | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Function | Function to calculate the index inside a rectangular grid from position ix,iy,iz |
predict_2lsom | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to make a prediction from a trained two_level self_organized_map |
predict_som | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Function for Prediction of a self_organizing_map |
print_2lsom | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to print the layers of a two_level self_organized_map |
print_som | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Print function for self_organizing_map |
query_2lsom | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Function to find the input samples associated with specific vector |
query_som | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Function to find the input samples associated with specific vector |
read_som | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to read the prototypes to define a self_organizing_map |
read_som_layer | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to read the prototypes of the first/seconf layer of a two level self_organized_map |
release_variables | two_level_som_estimate_variables | Subroutine | |
release_variables | som_predict_variables | Subroutine | |
set_cluster_layer | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to initialize the cluster layer of a Two Level Self-Organizing Map |
set_parameters | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to set parameters |
std | general_utilities | Function | Function to calculate the standard deviation of a real array |
train_2lsom | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to train a two_level self_organized_map |
train_cluster_layer | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to train the cluster layer of a two_level self_organized_map |
train_grid_layer | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to train the grid layer of a two_level self_organized_map |
train_som | som_train_variables | Subroutine | Subroutine to train the SOM |
train_som_data | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Training function for self_organizing_map |
train_two_level_som | two_level_som_train_variables | Subroutine | |
update_weights | self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to update the weights |
update_weights | two_level_self_organizing_map_utilities | Subroutine | Subroutine to update the weights |
variance | general_utilities | Function | Function to calculate the variance of a real array |