Subroutine to read the prototypes to define a self_organizing_map
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(self_organizing_map) | :: | kohonen_map |
A |
character(len=*) | :: | som_fl |
A character variable with the name of the file |
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
logical, | public | :: | testfl | ||||
logical, | public | :: | toroidal_grid | ||||
integer, | public | :: | isom | ||||
integer, | public | :: | nx | ||||
integer, | public | :: | ny | ||||
integer, | public | :: | nz | ||||
integer, | public | :: | nvar1 | ||||
integer, | public | :: | nvar2 | ||||
integer, | public | :: | ierr | ||||
integer, | public | :: | ix | ||||
integer, | public | :: | iy | ||||
integer, | public | :: | iz | ||||
integer, | public | :: | ivar | ||||
integer, | public | :: | current_index | ||||
character(len=40), | public | :: | current_line | ||||
character(len=40), | public | :: | node_type | ||||
real(kind=wp), | public, | allocatable | :: | Prototype_value(:,:) |
subroutine read_som(kohonen_map,som_fl) !======================================================================================== !! Subroutine to read the prototypes to define a self_organizing_map class(self_organizing_map) :: kohonen_map !! A `self_organizing_map` object character(len=*) :: som_fl !! A character variable with the name of the file logical :: testfl,toroidal_grid integer :: isom,nx,ny,nz,nvar1,nvar2,ierr,ix,iy,iz,ivar,current_index character(len=40) :: current_line,node_type real(kind=wp),allocatable :: Prototype_value(:,:) ! isom=20; inquire(file=trim(som_fl),exist=testfl); if(.not. testfl) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: the som file does not exist' stop endif ! write(*,*) write(*,*) 'SOM: Reading SOM Prototypes...' write(*,*) open(isom,file=trim(som_fl),status='unknown',action='read',access='sequential'); read(isom,'(A)') current_line write(*,*) trim(current_line) read(isom,'(A17,1X,3I6)') current_line,nx,ny,nz write(*,*) current_line,nx,ny,nz read(isom,'(A21,1X,2I6)') current_line,nvar1,nvar2 write(*,*) current_line,nvar1,nvar2 read(isom,'(A25,1X,A11,1X,L4)') current_line,node_type,toroidal_grid write(*,*) current_line,node_type,toroidal_grid allocate(Prototype_value(nvar1*nvar2,1),stat=ierr); ! if(allocated(kohonen_map%grid)) then do iz=1,nz do iy=1,ny do ix=1,nx call kohonen_map%grid(ix,iy,iz)%destroy(); enddo enddo enddo deallocate(kohonen_map%grid); endif if(allocated(kohonen_map%coordinates)) then deallocate(kohonen_map%coordinates); endif allocate(kohonen_map%grid(nx,ny,nz),stat=ierr); allocate(kohonen_map%coordinates(nx*ny*nz,3),stat=ierr); allocate(kohonen_map%cells_distances(nx*ny*nz,nx*ny*nz),stat=ierr); do iz=1,nz read(isom,'(A)') current_line; write(*,*) 'Reading ',trim(current_line); do iy=1,ny do ix=1,nx; read(isom,'(A)') current_line; ! write(*,*) current_line read(isom,'(A)') current_line; ! write(*,*) current_line read(isom,*) (Prototype_value(ivar,1),ivar=1,nvar1*nvar2); !write(*,*) ix,iy,(Prototype_value(ivar,1),ivar=1,nvar1*nvar2) call kohonen_map%grid(ix,iy,iz)%set_prototype(Prototype_value); current_index=position2index(ix,iy,iz,nx,ny); call calculate_coordinates(current_index,ix,iy,iz,nx,ny,nz,& kohonen_map%coordinates,node_type); enddo enddo enddo close(isom) !write(*,*) 'Reading done' ! call calculate_distance_matrix(kohonen_map%coordinates,kohonen_map%cells_distances,& node_type,toroidal_grid); ! write(*,*) write(*,*) 'SOM: Reading SOM Prototypes...finished' write(*,*) ! end subroutine read_som