kohonen_pattern_ncol Function

public function kohonen_pattern_ncol(current_pattern) result(nc)

Function to calculate the number of columns (variables) in a pattern

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(kohonen_pattern) :: current_pattern

A kohonen_pattern object

Return Value integer

An integer with the number of columns (variables) in a pattern


proc~~kohonen_pattern_ncol~~CallsGraph proc~kohonen_pattern_ncol kohonen_pattern%kohonen_pattern_ncol none~get_ncol~2 kohonen_prototype%get_ncol proc~kohonen_pattern_ncol->none~get_ncol~2

Source Code

   function kohonen_pattern_ncol(current_pattern) result(nc)
!! Function to calculate the number of columns (variables) in a pattern
      class(kohonen_pattern) :: current_pattern
!! A `kohonen_pattern` object
      integer :: nc
!! An integer with the number of columns (variables) in a pattern
   end function kohonen_pattern_ncol