Function to calculate the derivative of the drawdown with respect to the derivative of log time using local polynomial regression of the measured data.

log_derivative_locpol(t, s, return.pos = T, log = T)



Numeric vector with the time


Numeric vector with the drawdown


Logical flag to return only the positive values of the log-derivative (default = TRUE)


Logical flag to indicate that natural logarithm (a log to the base e) is used in the derivative calculation (default = TRUE). Logarithm to the base 10 is used if FALSE.


A list with

  • x: Numeric vector with the x coordinates where the log-derivative is evaluated

  • y: Numeric vector with the value of the log-derivative

  • res: Local Polinomial Regression object

See also


data(boulton) t <- boulton$t s <- boulton$s ptest <- pumping_test('Well1', Q = 0.03, r = 20, t = t, s = s) # dptest.lp <- log_derivative_locpol(ptest$t, ptest$s) plot(t, s, type = "p", log = "xy", ylim = c(1e-3,2))
points(dptest.lp$x, dptest.lp$y, col = "red")