Function to calculate the derivative of drawdown wrt the log of time

log_derivative(t, s, d = 2, method = "central", return.pos = T,
  log = T)



vector with time values


vector with drawdown values


Derivative parameter. if method equals to bourdet then d is equal to the number of adjacent values used in the derivative calculation. If method is equal to spline then d is equal to the number of knots used in the interpolation of the drawdown data. In this case a value of d=20 to d=30 is recommended. If method is equal to spane then d is equal to the number of points used in the linear regression approach.


Method to calculate the derivative (central, horner, bourdet and spline)


Logical flag to return only the positive values of the log-derivative (default = TRUE)


Logical flag to indicate that natural logarithm (a log to the base e) is used in the derivative calculation (default = TRUE). Logarithm to the base 10 is used if FALSE.


This function returns a list with components named as x and y that contains the log_derivative y evaluated at specific points x.

See also


# Load test data data(theis) # calculate derrivative of s wrt to logt using central differences logd.central <- log_derivative(theis$t, theis$s) # calculate derrivative of s wrt to logt using Horner method logd.horner <- log_derivative(theis$t, theis$s, method = "horner") # calculate derrivative of s wrt to logt using Bourdet method logd.bourdet <- log_derivative(theis$t, theis$s, method = "bourdet") # plot results plot(logd.central$x, logd.central$y, type = "p")
points(logd.horner$x, logd.horner$y, col = "red")
points(logd.bourdet$x, logd.bourdet$y, col = "blue")