Function to calculate the Transmisivity, Storage Coefficient and Radius of influence for the Theis model

theis_calculate_parameters(ptest, par, hydraulic = TRUE)



An object of the pumping_test class


List with the values of a and t0 obtained using the theis_solution_initial


Logical flag to indicate if hydraulic parameters are calculated. If False, the the statistcal parameter are calculated. function


A list with

  • Tr: Transmisivity

  • Ss: Storage coefficient

  • radius_influence


Theis, C. The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 1935, 2, 519-524

See also


# Data from a confined aquifer data(theis) ptest <- pumping_test('Well1', Q = 1.3e-3, r = 200, t = theis$t, s = theis$s) res <- theis_solution_initial(ptest) # Calculate hydraulic parameters from fit parameters theis_hydrpar <- theis_calculate_parameters(ptest, res) print(theis_hydrpar)
#> $Tr #> [1] 0.0001551938 #> #> $Ss #> [1] 2.135516e-06 #> #> $radius_influence #> [1] 2953.088 #>
# Calculate fit parameters from hydraulic parameters res <- list(Tr = 1.5e-3, Ss = 2e-5) theis_fitpar <- theis_calculate_parameters(ptest, res, FALSE)