Function to create a VES object

ves(id = character(0), ab2 = NULL, apprho = NULL)



a character string defining the VES ID


Numeric vector with the values of the electrode spacing


Numeric vector with the values of the apparent resistivity


A VES object

See also

Other base functions: plot.ves, print.ves, summary.ves


data(ves_data1) ab2 <- ves_data1$ab2 apprho <- ves_data1$apprho sev1a <- ves(id= "VES1", ab2 = ab2, apprho = apprho) print(sev1a)
#> Vertical Electrical Sounding: VES1 #> ab/2 Apparent Resistivity(Ohm.m) #> 1 3 48.23 #> 2 5 50.18 #> 3 7 53.03 #> 4 10 63.45 #> 5 15 61.58 #> 6 20 61.36 #> 7 25 58.25 #> 8 30 59.37 #> 9 40 48.70 #> 10 50 36.15 #> 11 60 30.55 #> 12 80 26.97 #> 13 100 21.82 #> 14 120 22.85 #> 15 150 22.04 #> 16 200 21.53 #> 17 250 21.32 #> 18 300 19.20