Function to create an estimation diagnostic plot composed of:

  • Scatterplot between the measured and calculated apparement resistivity

  • Scatterplot between calculated apparent resistivity and the residuals

  • Scatterplot between the calculated apparent resistivity and the standarized residuals

  • QQplot of the residuals




A VES object, The VES must be intepreted.


This function returns a ggplot2 object


library(grid) data(ves_data1) ab2 <- ves_data1$ab2 apprho <- ves_data1$apprho sev1a <- ves(id= "VES1", ab2 = ab2, apprho = apprho) rho <- c(40, 70, 30, 20) thick <- c(2, 10, 50, 500) par0 <- c(rho, thick) res.nls1 <- calibrate_nls(sev1a, par0, iterations = 30, ireport = 5, trace = FALSE) sev1a$rhopar <- res.nls1$rho sev1a$thickpar <- res.nls1$thickness sev1a$interpreted <- TRUE p1 <- plot_diagnostic(sev1a)
#> `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'
#> `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'