This calculates the well function of the Jacob-Lohman solution for a constant head aquifer (artesian aquifer). This function calculates the dimensionless discharge.

jacob_lohman_G_well_function(td, par)



Numeric vector with the Dimensionless time


A list with the values of the Stehfest coefficients.


A numeric vector with the dimensionless drawdowns


Jacob, C. E. & Lohman, S. W. Nonsteady Flow to a Well Of Constant Drawdown. American Geophysical Union, 1952, 33, 10.

See also


td <- logseq(-2,4,50) par <- list(coeffs = stehfest_coeffs(8)) sd <- jacob_lohman_G_well_function(td, par) print(sd)
#> [1] 6.1294769 5.3857646 4.7393840 4.1774869 3.6889118 3.2639621 2.8942139 #> [8] 2.5723500 2.2920144 2.0476874 1.8345765 1.6485217 1.4859135 1.3436215 #> [15] 1.2189325 1.1094960 1.0132774 0.9285167 0.8536926 0.7874910 0.7287775 #> [22] 0.6765734 0.6300346 0.5884333 0.5511417 0.5176189 0.4873976 0.4600750 #> [29] 0.4353025 0.4127790 0.3922435 0.3734696 0.3562606 0.3404454 0.3258747 #> [36] 0.3124180 0.2999611 0.2884037 0.2776576 0.2676451 0.2582973 0.2495534 #> [43] 0.2413593 0.2336671 0.2264336 0.2196206 0.2131937 0.2071221 0.2013779 #> [50] 0.1959361