rves: Interpretation of VErtical Electrical Sounding using R

This package includes several functions used in the inversion of the VES.

calibration functions

This section includes all the functions required for the estimation of the thicknesses and real resitivities from the VES data. The functions included here are:

rss_resisitivity, log_rss_resistivity, mnad_resistivity, log_mnad_resistivity, mxad_resistivity, log_mxad_resistivity, calibrate, calibrate_nls, calibrate_svd, calibrate_step_nls, calibrate_step

The calibration functions includes functions to calibrate, calculate model fit, and objective functions.

The functions in this section are:

sum_squared_residuals, mean_average_deviation, nash_sutcliffe, log_nash_sutcliffe, mass_balance_error, calibrate, uncertainty_quantification

smoothing functions

This section includes all the functions required for the smoothing of the VES data. The functions included here are:


Transformation functions

This section includes functions used to calculate the resistivity-depth transformations, The results of these functions can be used for exploratory purposes or to define an initial solution of the automatic inversion procedures. .

the functions included in this section are:

transform_direct, transform_scaling, transform_zohdy, transform_smoothed_zohdy

base functions

This section includes a description of the main

utilities functions

This section includes all the functions required in other sections of this package. The functions included in this section are:

convolution, krtrans, apparent_resistivities, apparent_resistivities_simple