, R/agarwal_recovery_utilities.R
, R/agarwal_skin_utilities.R
, and 23 more
The pumpingtest package provides functions to analyze and evaluate aquifer tests.
The package includes the solution to the most common pumping tests applied in aquifers such as:
Theis and Cooper-Jacob solutions (confined aquifer)
Hantush-Jacob solution (leaky aquifer)
Jacob-Lohman solution (artesian confined aquifer)
Boulton solution (phreatic aquifer)
Cooper solution (slug tests)
Agarwal solution (recovery tests)
Agarwal solution (tests with skin effects)
General Radial Flow (fractured aquifer)
Neuzil solution (pulse tests)
Papadopoulous-Cooper solution (large diameter wells)
Warren and Root solution (dual porosity aquifer)
Gringarten solution (single fracture)
Hvorslev solution (slug tests)
Bower-Rice solution (slug tests)
The estimation of the hydraulic parameter is achieved by different optimization algorithms including
Nonlinear least squares with the Levenberg-Marquart algorithm (package minpack.lm)
L-BFGS-B (package optim)
Simulated Annealing (package GenSA)
Genetic Algorithms(package GA)
Particle Swarm Optimization (package PSO)
Differential Evolution (package DEoptim)
Estimation of Distribution Algorithm using Copulas (package copulaedas)
with four possible objective functions:
Sum of Squares Residuals
Mean Absolute Deviation
Maximum Absolute Deviation
Maximum Likelihood (under the assumption that the residuals follow a normal distribution).
prior, posterior, proposalfunction_cov, proposalfunction, run_adap_metropolis_MCMC
The functions included in this section are:
agarwal_recovery_well_function, agarwal_recovery_solution_initial, agarwal_recovery_calculate_parameters, agarwal_recovery_solution, agarwal_recovery_WF_LT, agarwal_recovery_solution_dlogt, equivalent_time
The functions included in this section are:
agarwal_skin_well_function, agarwal_skin_solution_initial, agarwal_skin_calculate_parameters, agarwal_skin_solution, agarwal_skin_WF_LT, agarwal_skin_solution_dlogt
The aquifer functions include several functions designed to represent several types of aquifers including:
boulton_well_function, boulton_solution_initial, boulton_calculate_parameters, boulton_solution, boulton_solution_dlogt, boulton_WF_LT
These functions are used in the estimation of hydraulic parameters using a slug test
The functions included in this section are:
Acoeff, Bcoeff, Ccoeff, bouwer_rice_well_function, bouwer_rice_solution_initial, bouwer_rice_calculate_parameters, bouwer_rice_solution, bouwer_rice_solution_dlogt
cooper_jacob_well_function, cooper_jacob_solution_initial, cooper_jacob_calculate_parameters, cooper_jacob_solution
cooper_well_function, cooper_solution_initial, cooper_calculate_parameters, cooper_solution, cooper_solution_dlogt, cooper_WF_LT
These functions are used in the estimation of the aquifer parameters for the recovery and variable rate tests.
The functions included in this section are: recovery_equivalent_time, variable_rate_equivalent_time
The functions included in this section are:
general_radial_flow_well_function, general_radial_flow_solution_initial, general_radial_flow_calculate_parameters, general_radial_flow_solution, general_radial_flow_WF_LT, general_radial_flow_dlogt
These functions are used in the estimation of pumping tests in a single fracture aquifers.
The functions included in this section are:
gringarten_well_function, gringarten_solution_initial, gringarten_calculate_parameters, gringarten_solution, gringarten_solution_dlogt
hantush_jacob_well_function, hantush_jacob_solution_initial, hantush_jacob_calculate_parameters, hantush_jacob_solution, hantush_jacob_solution_dlogt, hantush_jacob_WF_LT
These functions are used in the estimation of the aquifer parameters using a slug test.
The functions included in this section are:
hvorslev_well_function, hvorslev_solution_initial, hvorslev_calculate_parameters, hvorslev_solution, hvorslev_solution_dlogt
There are two types of functions: F and G. The Jacob_Lohman F functions are used to calculate drawdown at specific distance from the well, while the Jacob_Lohman G Functions are used to calculate the discharge at the well or a given distance from it.
The F functions are:
jacob_lohman_F_well_function, jacob_lohman_F_solution_initial, jacob_lohman_F_calculate_parameters, jacob_lohman_F_solution, jacob_lohman_F_solution_dlogt, jacob_lohman_F_WF_LT
The G Functions are
jacob_lohman_G_well_function, jacob_lohman_G_solution_initial, jacob_lohman_G_calculate_parameters, jacob_lohman_G_solution, jacob_lohman_G_solution_dlogt, jacob_lohman_G_WF_LT
stehfest_coeffs, stehfest_inversion
These functions are used in the estimation of pulse tests.
The functions included in this section are: neuzil_well_function, neuzil_solution_initial, neuzil_calculate_parameters, neuzil_solution, neuzil_WF_LT, neuzil_solution_dlogt
residual_sum_squares, loglikelihood, bc_transf, loglikelihood_bc, mean_absolute_deviation, max_absolute_deviation, mean_square_error
papadopulos_cooper_well_function, papadopulos_cooper_solution_initial, papadopulos_cooper_calculate_parameters, papadopulos_cooper_solution, papadopulos_cooper_solution_dlogt, papadopulos_cooper_WF_LT
The base function includes the contructor of the S3 class pumping_test and associated functions to display summaries, print on the console, create diagnostic and estimation plots with the information from a pumping test, estimate the hydraulic parameters, and predict.
The functions in this section are:
pumping_test, summary, print, plot, fit, evaluate, simulate, confint
bandwidth_lpridge, smoothing.pumping_test
The Theis solution describes the drawdown variations in a confined, homogeneous, isotropic, aquifer of infinite horizontal extent due to the water extraction from a well that fully penetrates the aquifer.
The Functions included here are:
theis_well_function, theis_solution_initial, theis_calculate_parameters, theis_solution, theis_solution_dlogt, rtheis_solution
psi1, traverse_kernel, walk_kernel, hop_kernel, blow_kernel, log_ratio_density_blow, log_ratio_density_hop, run_twalk_MCMC
logseq, log_derivative, log_derivative_central, log_derivative_bourdet, log_derivative_spline, log_derivative_spane, log_derivative_smoothspline, log_derivative_kernel_reg, log_derivative_locpol, log_derivative_lokern, log_derivative_lpridge
These functions are used in the estimation of pumping tests in dual porosity aquifers.
The functions included in this section are:
warren_root_well_function, warren_root_solution_initial, warren_root_calculate_parameters, warren_root_solution, warren_root_WF_LT, warren_root_solution_dlogt