The pumpingtest package provides functions to analyze and evaluate aquifer tests.


The package includes the solution to the most common pumping tests applied in aquifers such as:

  • Theis and Cooper-Jacob solutions (confined aquifer)

  • Hantush-Jacob solution (leaky aquifer)

  • Jacob-Lohman solution (artesian confined aquifer)

  • Boulton solution (phreatic aquifer)

  • Cooper solution (slug tests)

  • Agarwal solution (recovery tests)

  • Agarwal solution (tests with skin effects)

  • General Radial Flow (fractured aquifer)

  • Neuzil solution (pulse tests)

  • Papadopoulous-Cooper solution (large diameter wells)

  • Warren and Root solution (dual porosity aquifer)

  • Gringarten solution (single fracture)

  • Hvorslev solution (slug tests)

  • Bower-Rice solution (slug tests)

The estimation of the hydraulic parameter is achieved by different optimization algorithms including

  • Nonlinear least squares with the Levenberg-Marquart algorithm (package minpack.lm)

  • L-BFGS-B (package optim)

  • Simulated Annealing (package GenSA)

  • Genetic Algorithms(package GA)

  • Particle Swarm Optimization (package PSO)

  • Differential Evolution (package DEoptim)

  • Estimation of Distribution Algorithm using Copulas (package copulaedas)

with four possible objective functions:

  • Sum of Squares Residuals

  • Mean Absolute Deviation

  • Maximum Absolute Deviation

  • Maximum Likelihood (under the assumption that the residuals follow a normal distribution).

Adaptative MCMC Auxiliary functions

prior, posterior, proposalfunction_cov, proposalfunction, run_adap_metropolis_MCMC

Agarwal functions (Recovery tests)

The functions included in this section are:

agarwal_recovery_well_function, agarwal_recovery_solution_initial, agarwal_recovery_calculate_parameters, agarwal_recovery_solution, agarwal_recovery_WF_LT, agarwal_recovery_solution_dlogt, equivalent_time

Agarwal functions (Pumping tests with skin effect)

The functions included in this section are:

agarwal_skin_well_function, agarwal_skin_solution_initial, agarwal_skin_calculate_parameters, agarwal_skin_solution, agarwal_skin_WF_LT, agarwal_skin_solution_dlogt

Aquifer functions

The aquifer functions include several functions designed to represent several types of aquifers including:

Boulton functions

boulton_well_function, boulton_solution_initial, boulton_calculate_parameters, boulton_solution, boulton_solution_dlogt, boulton_WF_LT

Bouwer Rice functions

These functions are used in the estimation of hydraulic parameters using a slug test

The functions included in this section are:

Acoeff, Bcoeff, Ccoeff, bouwer_rice_well_function, bouwer_rice_solution_initial, bouwer_rice_calculate_parameters, bouwer_rice_solution, bouwer_rice_solution_dlogt

Cooper-Jacob functions

cooper_jacob_well_function, cooper_jacob_solution_initial, cooper_jacob_calculate_parameters, cooper_jacob_solution

Cooper functions

cooper_well_function, cooper_solution_initial, cooper_calculate_parameters, cooper_solution, cooper_solution_dlogt, cooper_WF_LT

Equivalent_time functions

These functions are used in the estimation of the aquifer parameters for the recovery and variable rate tests.

The functions included in this section are: recovery_equivalent_time, variable_rate_equivalent_time

Flow Dimension functions


General_radial_flow functions

The functions included in this section are:

general_radial_flow_well_function, general_radial_flow_solution_initial, general_radial_flow_calculate_parameters, general_radial_flow_solution, general_radial_flow_WF_LT, general_radial_flow_dlogt

Gringarten functions

These functions are used in the estimation of pumping tests in a single fracture aquifers.

The functions included in this section are:

gringarten_well_function, gringarten_solution_initial, gringarten_calculate_parameters, gringarten_solution, gringarten_solution_dlogt

Hantush-Jacob functions

hantush_jacob_well_function, hantush_jacob_solution_initial, hantush_jacob_calculate_parameters, hantush_jacob_solution, hantush_jacob_solution_dlogt, hantush_jacob_WF_LT

Hvorslev functions

These functions are used in the estimation of the aquifer parameters using a slug test.

The functions included in this section are:

hvorslev_well_function, hvorslev_solution_initial, hvorslev_calculate_parameters, hvorslev_solution, hvorslev_solution_dlogt

jacob_lohman functions

There are two types of functions: F and G. The Jacob_Lohman F functions are used to calculate drawdown at specific distance from the well, while the Jacob_Lohman G Functions are used to calculate the discharge at the well or a given distance from it.

The F functions are:

jacob_lohman_F_well_function, jacob_lohman_F_solution_initial, jacob_lohman_F_calculate_parameters, jacob_lohman_F_solution, jacob_lohman_F_solution_dlogt, jacob_lohman_F_WF_LT

The G Functions are

jacob_lohman_G_well_function, jacob_lohman_G_solution_initial, jacob_lohman_G_calculate_parameters, jacob_lohman_G_solution, jacob_lohman_G_solution_dlogt, jacob_lohman_G_WF_LT

Laplace Inversion functions

stehfest_coeffs, stehfest_inversion

Neuzil functions

These functions are used in the estimation of pulse tests.

The functions included in this section are: neuzil_well_function, neuzil_solution_initial, neuzil_calculate_parameters, neuzil_solution, neuzil_WF_LT, neuzil_solution_dlogt

Objective Function functions

residual_sum_squares, loglikelihood, bc_transf, loglikelihood_bc, mean_absolute_deviation, max_absolute_deviation, mean_square_error

Papadopoulous-Cooper functions

papadopulos_cooper_well_function, papadopulos_cooper_solution_initial, papadopulos_cooper_calculate_parameters, papadopulos_cooper_solution, papadopulos_cooper_solution_dlogt, papadopulos_cooper_WF_LT

Base functions

The base function includes the contructor of the S3 class pumping_test and associated functions to display summaries, print on the console, create diagnostic and estimation plots with the information from a pumping test, estimate the hydraulic parameters, and predict.

The functions in this section are:

pumping_test, summary, print, plot, fit, evaluate, simulate, confint

Smoothing functions

bandwidth_lpridge, smoothing.pumping_test

Theis functions

The Theis solution describes the drawdown variations in a confined, homogeneous, isotropic, aquifer of infinite horizontal extent due to the water extraction from a well that fully penetrates the aquifer.

The Functions included here are:

theis_well_function, theis_solution_initial, theis_calculate_parameters, theis_solution, theis_solution_dlogt, rtheis_solution

twalk Auxiliary functions

psi1, traverse_kernel, walk_kernel, hop_kernel, blow_kernel, log_ratio_density_blow, log_ratio_density_hop, run_twalk_MCMC

Utility functions

logseq, log_derivative, log_derivative_central, log_derivative_bourdet, log_derivative_spline, log_derivative_spane, log_derivative_smoothspline, log_derivative_kernel_reg, log_derivative_locpol, log_derivative_lokern, log_derivative_lpridge

Warren and Root functions

These functions are used in the estimation of pumping tests in dual porosity aquifers.

The functions included in this section are:

warren_root_well_function, warren_root_solution_initial, warren_root_calculate_parameters, warren_root_solution, warren_root_WF_LT, warren_root_solution_dlogt