Function to calculate the drawdown produced by well withdrawals at given times
calculate_drawdown(aq, current.times)
aq | An aquifer object |
current.times | A numeric vector with the current times |
This function returns a matrix where the calculated drawdowns are assigned in the columns
Other aquifer functions: add.well<-
, print.aquifer
# NOT RUN { library(sp) aq <- aquifer(name = "Fm.Macondo", solution = "theis", type = "infinite", xlim = c(0, 10e3), ylim = c(0,10e3), nx = 100, ny = 100, = c(1.5e-4, 2e-5)) add.well(aq) <- list(Q = c(1.3e-3, 1.5e-3, 1e-3), x0 = c(5e3, 2.5e3, 7.5e3), y0 = c(5e3, 2.5e3, 2.5e3)) res <- calculate_drawdown(aq, current.times = 86400*seq(1,10,by=1)) res.df <- data.frame(res) var.names <- vector("character", length = 10) for(i in 1:10){ var.names[i] <- paste0("Day", as.character(i)) } names(res.df) <- var.names res.spdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = cbind(aq$xcoords, aq$ycoords), data = res.df) gridded(res.spdf) <- TRUE for(i in 1:10){ current.var <- paste0("Day", as.character(i)) p <- spplot(res.spdf[current.var], main = current.var) print(p) } # }